September 29, 2014
The news this week is that my companion was in the hospital for 4 days. The story?
Well he started getting all swollen in the face Monday, and it was bad enough that we went to the hospital, where they prescribed him a horrible medicine that didn't have any effect. The next day he started vomiting too, and we were going to go on a 9 hour trip to Londrina from here. At that point they told him that he would not be able to go because of his sickness, and we went to the hospital, and they interned him. There we stayed while the rest went to the conference. It was a little sad for me.
The next few days were dull, full of nothing, and no food (they were charging 5 dollars for a really crappy bowl of soup, seeing as I didn't have money, I didn't buy it.). I was lucky because I made some bread the day before that sustained me for 2 days.
On Thursday I was able to get out and do a division with Elder Rizzo (new elder from Argentina that replaced Elder Zabala) and did some work.
Friday Elder Helms got out of the hospital and we were able to do some work, but nobody went to church. it was a really lame week with all of that.
Today was a bit better, we went to the 3 frontiers, where Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay meet. That was kind of cool, we did a bit of shopping there, I bought this really weird instrument (Elder Zabala thought it was a weird buy) called a berimbau. It's used to play music for capaueira.
Sorry that I really don't have much to say right now, its almost a little bit easier to tell you all in just a couple of weeks. Don't worry I keep a lot of pictures.
Miss you all.
Elder Anderson